Visit New York - Day Five

I reboarded the ferry and went to Ellis Island. From 1892 to 1954, this immigrant depot processed the greatest tide of incoming humanity in the nation’s history. Nearly twelve million landed here in their search of freedom of speech and religion, and for economic opportunity. After it closed the buildings began falling apart, but a $160 million restoration project, begun in 1984, saved them and they were reopened as the Ellis Island Immigration Museum in 1990.

The inspections took place in the Registry Room, where doctors would briefly scan every immigrant for obvious physical ailments. The ship's manifest log contained the immigrant's name and his/her answers to twenty-nine questions. This document was used by the legal inspectors at Ellis Island to cross examine the immigrant during the legal inspection. Here they also had to prove they had $25 so they would be less likely to become a public charge. If all inspections were passed, they could buy train tickets at the depot before being ferried back to New York City. The sick were taken to the Island's hospital and those excluded from entry into the USA were deported back to their country of origin.

I found a lot of the design stuff a bit dull, and the most contemporary stuff was very pretentious, so had I not been able to get in free on Wiley's culture card I would have thought it was a bit of a waste of money. However, it was cool to see some famous works by Klimt, Lichtenstein, Warhol, etc.
Lichtenstein - "Drowning Girl"
Warhol - "Marilyn"
Wesselmann - "Still Life #30"
Wyeth - "Christina's World"
Back on 5th Avenue I did a whistle-stop dash past the shops and sights, taking in glimpses of Bergdorf Goodman, Louis Vuitton, Prada, De Beers, Pucci, Trump Tower, Gucci, Fortunoff, Fendi, Cartier, Saks Fifth Avenue, The Rockefeller Center, Sephora and Lord & Taylor.
I arrived back at my hotel in time to catch the shuttlebus to JFK. My flight left at 9.30pm, I transferred at Frankfurt at 10.50am, and arrived at Manchester at 12.30pm. This time unfortunately I didn't have a row to myself so I got little sleep before we landed. My train was waiting for me at the airport station and I got back to Sheffield at about 2.30pm.
All in all, an amazing time, but a shame that I was on my own - I'm going to have to go back with the boy for a romantic break and with some girlfriends for a shopping and clubbing break!
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